The Workplace Ombudsman  Lawrie Cherniack

Contact: Lawrie Cherniack

Sample Letter to Employees Appointing The Workplace Ombudsman

Dear Employee,

Our company has just engaged Lawrie Cherniack, The Workplace Ombudsman, to act as the Ombudsman for employees at our workplace. Just as the Ombudsman for the Province of Manitoba (and every other Canadian province) can review decisions made by government, so Mr. Cherniack is available to review decisions made by us that may affect you.

This service is free to you and to every employee at every level of the company.  It is independent and neutral and, except in extremely rare cases where immediate harm might occur, completely confidential.

Mr. Cherniack is available to help you in the following circumstances:

Mr. Cherniack is completely independent and neutral. Our contract with him makes certain that:

Mr. Cherniack is well-known in the legal community for having acted for decades as a lawyer for employees only. He also has a great deal of experience in helping people deal with conflicts in their lives. That is why we have engaged him. You can have complete trust in his neutrality and experience. If you want more information about him, go to his website at

If you want to speak to him, you can telephone him at 204-284-6886. He can meet with you at your convenience. Anything you say to him will be treated as confidential unless you give him specific permission otherwise.

We want our employees to know that they are being listened to and dealt with fairly. You can always feel free to talk with management about issues. But if you have workplace problems and feel that you can’t do that, Mr. Cherniack is there to talk to.

Yours truly,


The Workplace Ombudsman  Lawrie Cherniack

Contact: Lawrie Cherniack